» The INN Between

The INN Between

GreenSmartLiving has donated to the INN Between on multiple occasions and has a soft spot in our hearts for this charity.

The mission of The INN Between is to end the tragic history of vulnerable people dying on the streets of our community by providing a supportive and safe haven for people who have nowhere to go during a medical crisis. Prior to The INN Between, no adequate solution existed for housing terminally ill and medically frail homeless people, resulting in an average of 50 deaths on Salt Lake area streets annually. They adhere to the hospice philosophy of providing care for the sick, especially the terminally ill, and treating the whole person by providing support for his or her emotional, social, and spiritual needs, not simply the medical symptoms. 

If you can please join us in donating to this great cause. You can find more information at https://tibhospice.org.

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